Peer Support Groups
Kiva Centers offers In Person, Online, and Phone Support
below is a listing of the groups offered – please click on the Group names for more information
Alternative Perspectives on Mental Health
There is no correct perspective on mental health. This group is the perfect place to discuss ideas and beliefs that challenge the cultural stigmas surrounding mental health diagnoses, as well as beliefs that differ from the conventional medical model.
Apoyo Entre Pares
Join our peer support phone call group for Spanish speakers! We’re here to provide a safe and welcoming space for individuals who need support, understanding, and connection. Whether you’re facing life’s challenges or simply seeking a friendly conversation, our group is open to everyone. Our compassionate and bilingual facilitators are here to listen, share, and provide a sense of community.
¡Únete a nuestro grupo de apoyo por teléfono para hispanohablantes! Estamos aquí para ofrecer un espacio seguro y acogedor a las personas que necesitan apoyo, comprensión y conexión. Ya sea que estés enfrentando desafíos en la vida o simplemente buscas una conversación amigable, nuestro grupo está abierto a todos. Nuestros facilitadores compasivos y bilingües están aquí para escuchar, compartir y brindar un sentido de comunidad.
Black/Brown Indigenous Person of Color (BIPOC) Support
This group is centered around the unique needs of BIPOC communities (Black Indigenous People of Color). *This is a closed affinity group for BIPOC people only.
Breaking Cycles with Boundaries and Balance
In this group we discuss our relationship with boundaries including what they are and what it looks like to set sustainable ones for ourselves. In this space, we support each other as we learn more about what boundaries mean to us and why they are important.
Learn about the chakras in the human body and how to use them to benifit your own wellness. This group happens the 3rd Wednesday of each month. For information, email
Coffee and Conversation
This is a support group to just sit and discuss anything you may need support with now. A place to feel safe and be supported.
Community Gathering
A place for all Kiva staff and community to connect, learn, and share about resources and events going on in and outside of Kiva!
The best group to join if you are looking for specific support but not sure where – as this is where you have space to ask!
Coping with Anger in Times of Uncertainty
This group is to support those with experiences in anger; either having anger issues or being victimized by it. Here you can come together with peers whom you can share with and be supported by.
Creative Arts
A creative space created to explore emotion and humanity through consuming and creating art of all mediums.
Dual Recovery
This is a group for people who are living with both mental health and addiction experiences, including struggling with smoking, substance use, sex, or other experiences that hold us back from living the life we want for ourselves. We honor the many different paths towards living a meaningful life and don’t preach any one way of healing or living. This is a group where we value difference, truth, and self-determination and recognize that our challenges are often connected. In this space we can share without the far of shame or judgement, and receive mutual support with compassion, curiosity, and respect.
Early Spanish Conversations
In a multi-cultural nation, there is often a disconnect between peers who speak different languages. This is a space for non-Spanish speakers to learn and practice introductory conversational Spanish, a great way to improve connection for yourself and your community.
Expressive Art
Exercising creativity is a great way to cope with stress as well as developing our ability to adjust our perspectives. Join us at the RLC-Worcester every Thursday for a meaningful creative project to break up the week.
Finding Freedom
This is a space to process and discuss our various pathways and journeys toward greater freedom. Sometimes we feel trapped in a legacy of personal trauma and shame, or in cycles of self-rejection. Or we can feel stuck and frustrated in unhealthy relationships, or in wider social contexts like workplaces, welfare, and unemployment. And there is also the trauma of being deprived of basic rights and freedoms in institutional environments. In Finding Freedom, we explore what freedom can mean to us despite these obstacles.
Finding Home in Our Bodies and Chronic Illness
A group to share and hear stories, concerns, thoughts, and struggles that coincide with having a human body. Whether it be body image struggles, physical limitations, or chronic illness, adjusting to a body that works differently than anticipated is a lifelong journey and this community is designed to support you though that journey.
Game Tournament
Having something to look forward to is a great way to keep us moving through the recovery process. People of all ages are invited join us for some healthy competition between group board games, video games, and other ways to have fun with each other.
Healthy Relationships and Boundaries
If competition isn’t for you, then surely some low-stakes karaoke is! Singing and dancing with others is a great way to bond and create new connections!
Living with Alternate Realities
This group is an open space for those who identify with hearing voices, alternate realities, multiple person(s)/beings in one body, out of body experiences, paranoia, invasive/intrusive thoughts and actions, memory issues, and more. Sometimes these experiences can be intense and distressing, sometimes helpful and powerful. For some of us, they are all of these things. This group is a safe space for sharing a variety of perspectives on these experiences: we don’t dictate or invalidate anyone’s experience with the topic, but stay curious, open, and compassionate. If you are unsure if you fit this topic, please feel free to contact Kiva Centers for more clarification.
Living with Loss
A space to discuss and reflect on the ways all types of loss impact our wellbeing. Loss is defined as “the state of no longer having something or someone” and having a place to find support and hear stories of other people navigating life after loss is an integral part of the healing process.
Living with Suicide
Older Adult Peer Group
This group offers a welcoming space to connect with others, share experiences, and receive peer support. Our goal is to provide a safe and inclusive environment to foster meaningful conversations, build friendships, and promote well-being.
Open Topic
A space open to everyone to share and hear what’s currently on their minds! Whether good news or sudden struggles, this space is open to everyone to share and listen.
Parents Supporting Parents
A space for caretakers of all types to learn ways to maintain our own wellness while coping with the stress of caring for others.
- 18 + , biological parents with or without custody, non-biological caretakers (family, foster parents, etc.), parents who’s children are grown and moved out.
Peers Connecting
This group is a chance to see where we as peers can find ways to connect and support each other on our journey to health and wellness.
Poetry Workshop
This is a combination of a peer-support and an informational writing group. Participants and the facilitator will write poetry, talk about poetry, build writing confidence, express themselves through writing and share tips and suggestions for group participants.
Group will meet via Zoom on the last Friday of each month from 2pm-4pm EST.
Power of Positivity
Sharing Safety Pride Group
An LGBTQ+ specific group, where we can receive and give peer support to other members of our community, in a space dedicated to us.
Salud Mental Y Dinamicas Familiares
Storytelling Place
A space to share and gain insight on how to share your personal recovery story while maintaining full control of the narrative.
Spirituality and Wellness
This is a group to explore how your Spirituality supports your Wellness and finding balance.
Talking Circle
Talking Circles is a safe space where peers gather to discuss life and everyday challenges. We have created a safe space that allows people to connect with others in a non judgemental and inviting way. Come and join us Tuesdays at noon and see for yourself.
TGIF (Thank Goodness It's Friday)
This group is intended to be more lighthearted and fun than some of our groups can be. Join us to talk about good things happening, hear about the positive things others are experiencing, share news and excitement as well as just come together to lift our spirits before the weekend.
Transcending Trauma Together
Under the Umbrella
This group is an affinity group specific to the Transgender, Non-binary and Gender Non-Conforming communities. It is a space to share our experiences involving gender and life in general in a space dedicated to our needs.