WRAP – Wellness Recovery Action Plan

A self-determined, evidence-based program to help get through life’s challenges.


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WRAP at Kiva Centers

Kiva Centers is committed to increasing access to the evidence-based practice of Wellness Recovery Action Planning  (WRAP). Developed by Mary Ellen Copeland, this program helps people get through difficult challenges such as mental health issues and substance abuse.  WRAP helps people to live day-by-day to be healthy, well, and happy.

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WRAP is …

The Wellness Recovery Action Plan® or WRAP®, is a self-designed prevention and wellness process that anyone can use to get well, stay well and make their life the way they want it to be. It was developed in 1997 by a group of people who were searching for ways to overcome their own mental health issues and move on to fulfilling their life dreams and goals.  It is now used extensively by people in all kinds of circumstances, and by health care and mental health systems all over the world to address all kinds of physical, mental health and life issues.

WRAP has been studied extensively in rigorous research projects and is listed in the National Registry of Evidence-based Programs and Practices.

Watch this 4-minute video by Mary Ellen Copeland.

WRAP Will Help You…

  • Discover your own simple, safe wellness tools
  • Develop a list of things to do every day to stay as well as possible
  • Identify upsetting events, early warning signs and signs that things have gotten much worse and, using wellness tools, develop action plans for responding at these times
  • Create a crisis plan
  • Create a post-crisis plan

Finding and Creating WRAP in your area.

Recovery Learning Communities (RLCs) frequently offer WRAP classes and support.

PERC at the MetroBoston RLC runs WRAP classes regularly.  Please call Sarah Selkovits at 617-788-1034 or sselkovits@baycove.org for the schedule.

The Copeland Center event listings include refresher classes and facilitator trainings online, in New England and around the world.


Tools for Protecting the Ethics and Values of WRAP

WRAP Values and Ethics Checklist

WRAP Center for Excellence